On 2015-07-15, wirel...@tampabay.rr.com <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:

> In my impetuous youth, The first time I got to work under an old
> AT&T unix license, we had several heated debates with nerds from DC
> and Jersey..... turns out I was right; you could kill an "phone switch"
> with a single shot (and old at&t 3Bx series).

Back in the 80s I worked for a company that made/sold radio-telephony
mobile and base station equipment (which is basically a PBX connected
to a bank of radio transceivers instead of phone sets).  They had more
than a few systems installed in various Central and South American
countries during the 60s and 70s (the worse the standard copper
infrastructure, the more important mobile phones tended to be).

The field service guys told me that a not uncommon failure mode for
the base station equipment was bullet holes.

It turns out that one of the first things you do during a coup in a
small central/south american county is take over or disable the
radio-telphone base stations.  [Back then the base stations were much
higher power and covered much larger areas than a cellular base
station does these days.]

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Is something VIOLENT
                                  at               going to happen to a
                              gmail.com            GARBAGE CAN?

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