On Sun, Jul 26 2015, Mick wrote:

> On Sunday 26 Jul 2015 17:06:11 Jc García wrote:
>> 2015-07-26 9:33 GMT-06:00 Todd Goodman <t...@bonedaddy.net>:
>> > I like and use VirtualBox a lot (and agree it's easy to use.)
>> > 
>> > But the performance and USB handling mean that I need Windows or other
>> > OS' on bare metal most of the time.  I don't know how well Dell's crap^W
>> > support stuff runs in a VM.
>> The contrary experience here, USB has been the thing that got me to
>> use VirtualBox many times, I have put usb drivers, printers, 3g
>> modems, even adb trough the pass-trough feature of virtualbox, with no
>> problems, in fact for some years for printing purposes I had to use a
>> VM, and Virtualbox was the fastest to get working(click conect usb
>> printer, install the windows drivers, print). I'm suspecting you also
>> didn't run it with a very new computer, a server 2012 could run fine
>> for testing some stuff, with 1 core limit and 512M RAM over here,
>> using the virtualization capabilities of the processor. but I haven't
>> dealt with DELL hardware.
>> BTW, to Alan, I have never had to call to support for any laptop, but
>> do they really have someone that could know more than you to help? I
>> would seriously suspect most cases you are just talking to a call
>> center agent whom clearly isn't doing a job that requires much
>> knowledge about computers, that may be just reading some general
>> 'reboot your pc' type instructions, and would likely suggest you to go
>> to a professional technician at the arise of the slightest seemingly
>> serious problem. But I might be wrong, and dell support could be
>> awesome(I hardly think so, I know a lot of people who give support at
>> call centers).
> Dell support are *very* good at selling you extended warranty, which is not 
> worth what you're paying for.  Unless you are majorly unlucky - i.e. MoBo 
> blows up.

I cannot defend dell's pricing for support.

I recently spoke to people at dell pro support who know much more about
windows than I do (or want to).  I admit this is a lowj bar.  A number
of years ago I had a hardware problem.  They gave me some windows
commands to run and when I reported the results they shipped the part.
Perhaps someone came to install it or I did.  I don't remember.  Another
time the laptop motherboard went bad.  I don't think this required
diagnostics.  Someone came and replaced the board.


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