On Tuesday 04 Aug 2015 18:20:40 Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2015-08-04, Felix Miata <mrma...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> > That's right, May 2011, my first and only Gentoo installation, 32 bit on
> > an old Athlon, which means no sse2, and kernel 2.6.37. It coexists in
> > multiboot on one HD with 12 installations of Fedora and openSUSE. I'd
> > like to upgrade it rather than installing fresh,
> Can we ask why?
> > if it's doable.
> It probably is (for some degnerate value of "doable").
> My gut feeling is that a fresh install is going to be a _lot_ easier
> and faster.  A fresh install will take a couple hours. An upgrade will
> take somewhere between a couple days and a couple weeks.


Back up your /var/lib/portage/world and /etc, then use a LiveCD to follow the 
Gentoo handbook.  After you download and untar a stage 3 filesystem you can 
copy back your /var/lib/portage/world, build a new kernel and

 emerge -uaDv world

You can use your old config files in your /etc back up to make any quick edits 
necessary on your new installation. 

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