On Wednesday, August 05, 2015 12:47:58 PM Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 05/08/2015 10:18, Fernando Rodriguez wrote:
> >>> > > In this context does '&hostname' mean a-pointer-to-a-pointer-to-the-
> >>> > > charstring we actually need?
> >>> > > 
> >>> > > Doesn't this code seem needlessly complicated?
> >>> > > 
> >>> > > <okay, screed over, thanks for listening>
> >>> > > 
> >>> > > Somewhere I read that there was really only *one* java program ever
> >>> > > written, and every subsequent java program was written by
> >>> > > cut-and-paste
> >>> > > from the first one.
> >>> > > 
> >>> > > Is that how professional developers learn the art of programming?
> Looking back 12 months to some former colleagues, that is *exactly* how
> the Java ecosystem works. I haven't seen anyone write Java from scratch
> in *years* now, all of them seem to twiddle little bits inside some huge
> framework and have zero concept about what is going on.

Only 12 months?
Most IDEs and/or frameworks basically set up everything and just add bits like 
"// Write your code here"
Problems start when these ama...eerh... programmers put there code in other 

> So you get anomolies like a giant payroll/compensation/commission
> reporting tool thingamagic from Oracle that does everything imaginable
> about sales commissions, except actually report on them. True fax - ask
> my wife

Don't need to ask her, seen it with my own eyes...

It keeps amazing me that the software actually does work most of the time.

> > That's how you write bugs :) There's nothing wrong with it if you take the
> > take to understand what it's doing but it's too often done blindly.
> > 
> >>> > > I really would like to hear your opinions on that question because I
> >>> > > feel it's an important topic.
> Much of what makes programming work has been dumbed down in recent years
> so that employable persons without imagination[1] can have jobs and do
> something useful. I'm reminded of an old saw about PHP:
> The nice thing about php is it let's everyone and their dog write code.
> The bad thing about php is that they do.

Couldn't find that particular quote, but the following page should be required 
study for everyone starting with programming. (It's for PHP, but should work 
for ALL languages):

> I suppose there's a place for that kind of thing, a lot of corporate
> systems are mostly boilerplate where a huge framework (and equally huge
> expensive over-specced hardware) gets the job done.

Well, when you have a big rocketbooster for propulsion, why not build a car 
from solid rock without wheels?

> The thing that
> really changes is the exact calculations in the business-logic
> middleware layer, someone else did the heavy lifting of joining all the
> modules together to resemble the real-world workflow.

And then these same corporates want to add new features and such which means 
improving the codebase. Breaking the badly (or not at all) understood logic in 
the process.

> It's not my way of working though, and I suspect most Gentooers tend the
> same way if they get the chance.

++ this is why I still use Gentoo...

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