Harry Putnam <reader <at> newsguy.com> writes:

> My gentoo OS is running on Openindiana (solaris) inside oracle's vbox.

Hello Harry. Gentoo has the handbook for it's main install. A bit of a drag
but good for for a refresher or leaning.

Rich put up an excellent set of VM gentoo install instructins [1]:

> It's been left setting for at least 4-5 months maybe a couple more.
> After eix-sync, attempting an `emerge vuND world' comes up with so
> many blocks, use flag changes and a variety of other bad news in
> such proliferation... I'm thinking better to install from scratch with
> latest ISO.

You can fight through those problems; and that will most likely be the
easiest method to bring your system current.

Some of the gentoo versions for specific usage, have their own installer.
Like PENTOO [2] ,  LILBLUE [3] and then many folks use 'calculate linux'
when they require an installation medium [4]. It can be migrated to
a gentoo install.

There are several efforts to create other gentoo installations, but
they are alpha at the moment.



[2] http://www.pentoo.ch/download/

[3] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Hardened_uClibcLilblue#Installation

[4] http://www.calculate-linux.org/boards/15/topics/25561


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