Rich Freeman <rich0 <at>> writes:

> In any case, the notes as they currently stand are not something I'd
> recommend to a new user.  They're fine for experienced users looking
> for the "short version."  When I get them integrated into the handbook
> I think it will be an overall improvement and usable for new users.

Harry indicated he had been using Gentoo a long time. Harry was
looking for "iso" or what I interpreted as easy installation choices.
I spend the weekend updated some vintage boxes from around 2010 as the
last update. Educational to say the least.  distcc is need and a better
massive archive of the /distfiles/ as I wasted more time trying to
find over versions of things like gnuconfig and such. Other that
that, I just removed KDE and updated the portage and @system. I did
drop the profile to the simplest version I could and only updated
critical codes like bash, python and gcc. Actually, it was very 
easy and could be "automated" too. Just wait until it's about 8 months
old on the snapshot updates and then wait (forever) for a current emerge

Harry's  description of the VM details  was unclear
so that motivated me to put your instructions up as a reference for 
Harry to read. I understand it's not finished, but VM installs of Gentoo
are interesting to lots of folks to read about, even if they are 
not quite ready to recommend to a noob. Harry is not a noob, probably just 
busy and a bit gentoo_lazy like many of us. I remember Harry and he
seemed 'confident' with gentoo before...... 

I agree with all you have said, and it sounds good; particularly the
part on keeping openrc or systemd choices simple to understand and follow
regardless of the choice a user makes. This duality (systemd and openrc)
is keenly interesting at this time in linux evolution and Gentoo is
uniquely strong in this consternation  dichotomy. 

Your plans do sound very attractive. I'm ultimately a believer in that
we need to have a matrix of installation options based on refinement
of the those earlier 'PreQualifying Questions' I posted. I think I'm
going to purse that, so that many different installation semantics
for gentoo and gentoo derivatives close to the tree are available for
all to enjoy. There are other works progressing on installation semantics
and for me, this is all very exciting. I shall await your postings
for further testing. Are you going to roll out some "notes" on putting
raid-1::btrfs onto HD? Or just the VM install?

I think the more different ways folks approach installing Gentoo, the better
and it is quite educational to look at the different approaches in the
various install semantics for gentoo.  I'm personally looking forward to the
'stage-4' offerings and have been playing around myself with clonezilla [1].

I, and many others certainly do appreciate your work and explanations
and perspective on installing gentoo. I do agree that genkernel is dated too.



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