On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 10:46 AM, Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote:
> So, I've made the mess considerably worse... maybe unsolvable since I
> have no gcc now and so no way to grind out the builds.... plus other
> truly boneheaded uninstalls that appear to have rendered my system
> unusable .... just like the little warning says when you
>    gentoo -vC pkg ....... wheeeeee.

Uh, not to drag you through the mud, but what gave you the idea to try
that?  I'm mainly interested so that we can go fix it if there is some
document that is leading people astray.

The suggestion was to check gcc-config -l, and then set a recent
version of gcc if it isn't already selected.  That should be the
correct fix, though you might need to install a newer gcc version.
You don't need to use emerge -C to do any of that.  That command is
one of those "I know what I'm doing" commands which will happily mess
up your system.

At this point your simplest solution is to create a binary package of
whatever it is you got rid of and re-install it, but that is going to
be a lot more complex than the minor issue you were having before.
Your email is pretty light on details, so I don't even know what it
was that you uninstalled.

I'd suggest not doing stuff like this in the future.  I can pretty
much guarantee that emerge output like the one you posted will happen
to you a few times a year and is fairly routine if you have a system
with many packages on it.  Granted, you won't have quite as much to
deal with if you update daily/weekly, but still, you probably
shouldn't go into panic mode everytime portage wants help with
something because it happens fairly often.


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