Grant Edwards <> wrote:

> In most X11 apps I can select some text and then paste it somewhere
> else with a middle-click, or dump it to stdout with the command 'xclip
> -o'.  That doesn't work for highligted text in gtk-3 apps (meld,
> evince, audacious, etc.).  After selecting text in a gtk-3 app, if I
> middle-click in a terminal window it does nothing and 'xclip -o' just
> hangs.  Selecting text elsewhere will deselect the text in the gtk-3
> app, so gtk-3 isn't _completely_ ignoring X11 clipboards/buffers.
> Any ideas why gtk-3 copy/paste is broken and how to fix it?

Right now I made a test with audacious. I selected some text in the 
"title info" window and then pasted the selected text with middle-click
into a text editor (geany). It worked without problems.


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