On 2015-09-17, Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2015-09-17, J. Roeleveld <jo...@antarean.org> wrote:
>>>> I use 2 screens extensively and never experienced any issues like you
>>>> describe.
>>> And you can select/paste from one screen to another where the source
>>> is a gtk-3 app?
>> Not sure, need to test with a gtk-3 app.
>> I run KDE myself.
>>> I should clarify that I mean "screen" in the strict X11 usage.  Using
>>> Xinerama or the like to spread a single desktop across multiple
>>> monitors is still a single screen setup.  I'm trying to select text
>>> on DISPLAY=:0.0 and paste it on DISPLAY=:0.1
>> Not using my desktop atm.
>> What does Xorg do by default when it detects multiple screens?
> Not sure -- I'll have to give it a try. IIRC, it just uses the first
> one.

At least on my machine, if I start up X11 without a configuration file
it only uses one of my three monitors.  That behavior may depend on
which boards are installed and which board/driver is found first.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I want to read my new
                                  at               poem about pork brains and
                              gmail.com            outer space ...

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