On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 5:39 AM, Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Sep 2015 20:45:10 +0200, lee wrote:
>> Go ahead and show me where I have demanded something.
> Your insistence that it should be changed amounts to a demand. Your
> assertion that it can be done easily only demeans the efforts of the
> devs, implying that the fix is simple but they cannot be bothered.

Guys, please take a break.  We're up to over 50 messages in this
thread, most of which are basically a back and forth on this.

Nobody likes the output of portage here, we get it...

The next council meeting will include proposals to stop relying on
dynamic deps, which should cut down on some of these issues.  There
are always ideas floating around for substantially changing how
dependencies are handled in portage, and those might help.

Short-term if somebody wants to write up a wiki page full of common
confusing portage error messages and improved versions of the same,
and instructions on how to handle each situation, that would both help
users today, and give the portage devs something to contemplate in
their enhancements.  There is no reason portage couldn't even figure
out which case an error falls into and either output the text on the
page or give the user a link to go look up instructions on how to

I find more tends to happen when you direct your energy at creating
something.  Clearly you are both interested in Gentoo and going back
and forth isn't helping anybody.


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