On Thursday 26 November 2015 10:39:56 I wrote:
> On Wednesday 25 November 2015 19:05:44 Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > On 24/11/2015 17:24, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> --->8
> > > The installation-default file causes the start-stop-daemon to catch an
> > > unexpected interrupt and report an error, even though the chronyd
> > > process
> > > continues to run.
> > > 
> > > Any time I run 'strace -ff -o/tmp/chronyd.strace /etc/init.d/chronyd
> > > start' the init process runs normally and I'm left with scores of
> > > trace
> > > files, none of which help because the stray interrupt wasn't detected.
> --->8
> > Ugh, don't you just hate issues like that? The problem with "solutions"
> > like start-stop-daemon is they have to deal with whatever the daemon
> > feels like returning (an infinite number of permutations), so support
> > for daemon is never complete.
> I've been offered one suggestion which will need me to make a local
> overlay with a small code change. I'll try that and see what happens.

The problem turns out to have been caused by the init script specifying 
--background to start-stop-daemon, which conflicts with chronyd's own 
forking to the background - at least, it does on my Atom box so it could 
elsewhere too.

Stand ready, bgo.


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