On 09/12/2015 22:39, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> Am 2015-12-02 um 23:13 schrieb Stefan G. Weichinger:
>> I consider buying a new machine for my office in december.
>> The intel core-i7-6xxx look interesting to me, although the plain CPU
>> performance isn't that much better than my plain old i7-2600 when I look
>> at cpunbenchmark.net
>> I assume the overall package makes more difference: DDR4-RAM, etc etc
> Ordered today. Looking forward ..
> It will be triple-boot: gentoo, fedora, win10 (as I paid for it)
> ordered with standard 8 gigs of RAM for a start, more later.
> right now my box uses 1425 megs with full gnome-3.18 running ... so what
>  ...
> I assume an optimized kernel will perform quite well on that CPU.
> Although I am no expecting too much. 5yrs of improvement ? ;)

Did you get an SSD as well?

It's one of the biggest performance improvements you can make[1] and to
be honest is worth more overall than expensive CPUs.

[1] The other huge improvement is another 8G of RAM and make
/var/tmp/portage a tmpfs with default settings (it will use up to 8G RAM
on demand). Everything you build will fit, including firefox and libreoffice

Alan McKinnon

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