On 09/12/2015 23:24, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> Am 2015-12-09 um 21:42 schrieb Alan McKinnon:
>> Did you get an SSD as well?
> sure. I even look for the PCIe variant (just contacted my dealer for
> this option ... forgot in the first place).
> I am on SSDs for years now on desktop and laptops.
>> It's one of the biggest performance improvements you can make[1] and to
>> be honest is worth more overall than expensive CPUs.
>> [1] The other huge improvement is another 8G of RAM and make
>> /var/tmp/portage a tmpfs with default settings (it will use up to 8G RAM
>> on demand). Everything you build will fit, including firefox and libreoffice
> I have that right now, yes.
> The RAM was out of stock there so I ordered the 8g-default and will add
> more later.

Sounds like you're all set to use that i7 to it's fullest :-)

Alan McKinnon

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