Dale wrote:
> Howdy,
> I finally got a new 3TB hard drive.  I got one on sale for under $100. 
> Anyway, I put it in, did the LVM thing and set up my backup script, very
> basic as it is.  A little bit ago, I noticed a sound.  It's not a click
> or a metallic type sound.  It sounds like the heads are doing random
> reads/writes and the heads are moving but doing so noisily.  Thing is,
> there is no drive activity according to gkrellm or iotop.  All the
> drives should be basically idle.  I even went to single user mode to be
> sure nothing in KDE was doing some index thingy or something.  Still,
> nothing showed that there should be any drive activity, including the
> hard drive light on the case. 
> <<<  SNIP  >>>
> Thoughts? 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

Well ain't this interesting.  I was about to pull the side off that
monster Cooler Master HAF-932 when I moved my router, which sits on top
of the case over the top fan.  When I moved it, the sound stopped.  When
I sat it back down, it made that noise again but slightly different. 
So, I moved the router a little further back.  Now all is quiet.  No
weird noises for the last several minutes now. 

After finding out about this drive, now I'm nervous about depending on
it for a backup.  Bad thing is, I've got two of these drives now. 
Different batches but still.  Since firmware seems to have some affect
on this, is this a good version to have?

Firmware Version: CC25 

That's on the new drive.  The old drive is:

Firmware Version: CC29 

Weird, my new drive seems to have older firmware than my old drive. 
How's that work I wonder?  My old drive is a couple years old at least. 

I think I'm leery of all drives now.  I've had WDs fail, Seagate and
some other brand.  I just keep buying bad stuff.  :-(   I'm glad I don't
have to buy pacemakers.   :/ 


:-)  :-) 

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