Yuri K. Shatroff wrote:
> 14.04.2016 10:43, J. Roeleveld wrote:
>> No idea here, logs?
> I didn't see anything relevant in Xorg.?.log (neither in messages) and
> since there was no kdm which usually tracks all KDE messages I didn't
> know where to look. Neither any new log files appeared.

Since kdm is gone, it's now sddm.log in the same place where kdm was. 
This is what my log looks like.  Yours should look something like it I
would think.

[23:29:06.330] (II) DAEMON: Initializing...
[23:29:06.334] (II) DAEMON: Starting...
[23:29:06.334] (II) DAEMON: Adding new display on vt 7 ...
[23:29:06.334] (II) DAEMON: Display server starting...
[23:29:06.334] (II) DAEMON: Running: /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -auth
/var/run/sddm/{baadb08a-2764-4aec-b839-6c2b7283ef79} -background none
-noreset -displayfd 17 vt7
[23:29:06.838] (II) DAEMON: Running display setup script 
[23:29:06.842] (II) DAEMON: Display server started.
[23:29:06.842] (II) DAEMON: Socket server starting...
[23:29:06.842] (II) DAEMON: Socket server started.
[23:29:06.842] (II) DAEMON: Greeter starting...
[23:29:06.842] (II) DAEMON: Adding cookie to
[23:29:06.847] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Starting...
[23:29:06.847] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Authenticating...
[23:29:06.847] (II) HELPER: [PAM] returning.
[23:29:06.848] (II) DAEMON: Greeter session started successfully
[23:29:06.865] (II) DAEMON: Message received from greeter: Connect
[23:29:22.968] (II) DAEMON: Message received from greeter: Login
[23:29:22.969] (II) DAEMON: Reading from
[23:29:22.969] (II) DAEMON: Session
"/usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop" selected, command: "/usr/bin/startkde"
[23:29:22.975] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Starting...
[23:29:22.975] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Authenticating...
[23:29:23.012] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Preparing to converse...
[23:29:23.012] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Conversation with 1 messages
[23:29:23.323] (II) HELPER: [PAM] returning.
[23:29:23.353] (II) DAEMON: Authenticated successfully
[23:29:23.360] (II) HELPER: Starting: "/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsession"
[23:29:23.362] (II) HELPER: Adding cookie to "/home/dale/.Xauthority"
[23:29:23.366] (II) DAEMON: Session started
[23:29:23.384] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Ended.
[23:29:23.384] (II) DAEMON: Auth: sddm-helper exited successfully
[23:29:23.385] (II) DAEMON: Greeter stopped.

I think I got a complete section of it. 


:-)  :-) 

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