On Saturday, July 16, 2016 07:25:15 PM Mick wrote:
> On Saturday 16 Jul 2016 20:06:20 J. Roeleveld wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > I saw the following go past in the dev-list:
> > 
> > # Johannes Huber <j...@gentoo.org> (14 Jul 2016)
> > # No longer released upstream. Use kde-apps/spectacle instead.
> > # Masked for removal in 30 days.
> > kde-apps/ksnapshot
> > 
> > I understand ksnapshot can't be maintained for much longer and with kde4
> > dependencies, it will need more then a little handholding.
> > 
> > Does anyone have a decent replacement as spectacle is, in my opinion, not
> > an equal replacement. More like a massive regression from a ease-of-use
> > perspective.
> > 
> > Many thanks,
> > 
> > Joost
> I am running spectacle-15.12.3 usually in Window, or Rectangle mode and I
> have not come across any usability problems ...
> What is it in particular that differs from Ksnapshot's functionality or
> behaviour?

My workflow when taking screenshots:
- Take a snapshot (rectangle)
- "Save as", storing it at a specific location with "<something>_1.jpg" as the 
- Change something in an application or going to next screen
- Take a new snapshot (ksnapshot defaults to exact same rectangle which is 
99.9% of the time correct)
- "Save as", ksnapshot goes to same location and increases the numbering 

Last time I tried spectacle, I had to navigate the file structure for every 
single screenshot. Set it to save as JPEG. And manually retype the entire 

This is fine if you occasionally want to save a screenshot and have no problem 
wading through all the screenshots in whatever "default" location Spectacle 
wants to dump them into. But not when taking screenshots documenting an 
installation procedure.


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