On 30/08/2016 12:56, Peter Humphrey wrote:
On Tuesday 30 Aug 2016 12:06:43 Alan McKinnon wrote:

You should elaborate more and be specific on what you mean by "The
reason is an intermittent series of apparently unrelated things going

Here's one then: In KMail (yes, I know*) the folder list contains an item
"trash" (ugh!), but when I come to empty it it's called "Wastebin" (much
better) in the drop-down menu.

And another: if I move my user account away and create a new one, setting
KDE plasma up from scratch (this is ~amd64), the system-settings panel has
no icons and the single-click-to-open preference is ignored, even though
it's the default and I already have it set anyway. Then, if I revert to the
original home directory, which has followed events through the last six
months, those faults disappear.

How would @system possibly affect that?

True, in theory any software can have an influence on any other software and cause breakage; but with those symptoms you ought to be investigating @system last, not first

Your problems lie within KDE itself, I'd bet hard-earned money on that

Work the real problem, not an assumed one :-)

Of course - when I can find it! I'm just trying to ensure that the system is
clean before I go tilting at windmills. Possibly, I'm just seeing the
immaturity of KDE-5. So be it, if so.

* I've seen references to KMail 5.0.3 already Out There, so I'm sticking
with it in the hope that 5.* will be more solid.

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