On Thu, 1 Sep 2016 12:09:09 +0300, gevisz wrote:

> > Have you considered LVM? You get the benefits of separate filesystems
> > without the limitations of inflexible partitioning.  
> I am afraid of LVM because of the same reason as described below:
> returning to the "old good times" of MS DOS 6.22, I do remember that
> working then on 40MB (yes, megabytes) hard drive I used some program
> that compressed all the data before saving them on that hard drive.
> Unfortunately, one day, because of the corruption, I lost all the data
> on that hard drive. Since then, I am very much afraid of compressed or
> encrypted hard drives.

LVM is neither encrypted nor compressed. The filesystems on it are no
different to the filesystems on physical partitions, and subject to the
same risks. An LVM logical volume is just a block device that is treated
the same as a physical partition on a non-LVM setup.

Sp far, you have come up with reasons, good or otherwise, for not taking
each of the available choices. You need to decide what you really need
and what is important to you. Only then can you decide on the best
arrangement for your needs.

Neil Bothwick

Evolution stops when stupidity is no longer fatal!

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