On Thu, 1 Sep 2016 13:54:40 -0400, Rich Freeman wrote:

> > Bind mounts? I thought you would use btrfs subvolumes!
> >  
> Often the bind mounts point to btrfs subvolumes.
> Yeah, I guess I could directly mount all those subvolumes, but I find
> symlinks or bind mounts easier.  The other factor is that if I have
> unnecessary subvolumes then I'm having to manage snapshots across more
> of them and my snapshots are less atomic, since snapshots don't cross
> subvolume boundaries (which is something which ought to be
> configurable).

I use a script to handle my snapshots, so snapshotting multiple
subvolumes is less of an issue, but an option to snapshot a subvolume and
all its children, or even the whole filesystem, would be nice.

Neil Bothwick

Remember, it takes 47 muscles to frown
And only 4 to pull the trigger of a sniper rifle....

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