Am Thu, 1 Sep 2016 22:56:31 +0100
schrieb Neil Bothwick <>:

> > - so my next upgrade would "force" me into deciding going way down
> > (probably a bad idea) or up into unknown territory (and this showed:
> > can also be a problem). Or I can stay with 4.6 until depclean
> > removed it for good (which will, by the way, remove the files
> > from /usr/src).  
> Depclean won't remove it if you add it to world.

Multi-slot packages ARE removed by depclean except the last stable
version - which jumped backwards for me because I used an ~arch kernel
that was removed from portage.

The following happened:

# emerge -DNua world

Reinstalled 4.4 for me. Problem here: I didn't exactly distinguish that
4.4.something is not 4.6.something in the result list. So I continued

# emerge --depclean -a
# cd /usr/src/linux && make oldconfig && ... the usual stuff

Wow, that went fast. Then, I realized why: I just depcleaned my 4.6 and
4.4 compile objects were still there, I tried to reinstall 4.6,
it failed - of course: The package is no longer in portage.

I thought: Okay, there's probably a reason, let's get to 4.7.2 then -
what should possibly go wrong? It's not 4.7.0 and I still have 4.6
in /boot. Yeah, what should go wrong... I shouldn't have asked. TL;DR:
I restored from backup.

This must be coincidence. I wanted to go to stable kernel at next
opportunity. But forward in version, not backward. ;-)

But let's get back to the point:

Depclean does remove multi-slotted kernel sources. It does it with
every multislot package except there's an explicit slot dependency or
you explicitly mention the slot in the world file.

Since I cannot remember such a surprise-removal* happened anytime
before and put me in such a situation, this was completely new to me.
(10+ years of Gentoo usage)

Lesson learned: Keep your eyes open. Maybe I put the kernel slot
into my world file, with the opposite downside this has. (note to

*: This is subjective, I know.


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