On Fri, 2 Sep 2016 02:33:12 +0200, Kai Krakow wrote:

> Am Thu, 1 Sep 2016 22:56:31 +0100
> schrieb Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk>:
> > > - so my next upgrade would "force" me into deciding going way down
> > > (probably a bad idea) or up into unknown territory (and this showed:
> > > can also be a problem). Or I can stay with 4.6 until depclean
> > > removed it for good (which will, by the way, remove the files
> > > from /usr/src).    
> > 
> > Depclean won't remove it if you add it to world.  
> Multi-slot packages ARE removed by depclean except the last stable
> version - which jumped backwards for me because I used an ~arch kernel
> that was removed from portage.

Not if you specify the version.

> Lesson learned: Keep your eyes open. Maybe I put the kernel slot
> into my world file, with the opposite downside this has. (note to
> myself)

That's exactly what I did before I started using sets.conf. There is no
downside because I don't want depclean to remove a kernel source package,
that's for me to decide on.

Neil Bothwick

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity;
 and I'm not sure about the the universe."
 (Albert Einstein)

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