On 25/09/2016 14:17, J. Roeleveld wrote:
> On Sunday, September 25, 2016 12:16:29 PM Mick wrote:
>> On Sunday 25 Sep 2016 10:24:24 J. Roeleveld wrote:
>>> I think it's what I would love for KDE to have as well.
>>> I have a desktop with 2 displays connected.
>>> I also have a few virtual desktops.
>>> I would like each display to have a seperate set of virtual displays. This
>>> woulx allow me to switch 1 display to a different desktop while keeping
>>> the
>>> other display unchanged.
>> This may not suit the OPs requirements, but you can achieve what you want
>> with enlightenment (i'm currently running 0.20.6), which has separate and
>> independent virtual desktops on each display.
> Looks interesting.
> Which version in portage is the correct one?
> I see a slot "0", which has version 1.0.17.
> I see a slot "0.17", which has versions like 0.20.5 and 0.20.6.
> And according to the website, 0.21.2 has been released.

"enlightenment" is really two completely different projects that share
only a project name and a bunch of devs in common.

There was Enlightenment 16, currently maintained by Kim Woelders, this
is SLOT 0 in Gentoo and the most recent release 1.0.17.

Rasterman and his trusty bunch of nefarious cohorts scrapped E16 about
13 years ago and started over and called their new project E17. It ha
very little in common with E16 other than lots of bling :-)

E17 has steadily moved forward after taking 10 years for any release of
any kind and is now up to 0.21.2 - there is no E18 or E19 or whatever
they are all subsequent releases of E17. Gentoo has this in SLOT 0.17

It's all terrible confusing :-)

Alan McKinnon

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