On 2016-09-25, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> And I find it very useful to be able to leave 2 of the screens as-is
>> while I switch the third one to do something else.
>>> The results of your searches and experiments seem to suggest that it
>>> is n unusual configuration
>> It is, though I don't know why -- I find it far more useful than have
>> one giant desktop.
>>> and I'm wondering what particular itch this scratches.
>> It allows me to work efficiently on complex tasks while concurrently
>> responding to emails and handling interruptions.
> I do something with a sort-of similar result. One big desktop across
> all screens with at least 6 virtual desktop. Stuff I need always
> there (like mail and IM clients) go off to one side on the small
> monitor, pinned to all virtual desktops. None of the other real work
> stuff goes on the small monitor.
> This won't suit Grant though, as he said his nVidia card can't big
> desktop across 3 physical 1600 monitors

That part of the problem _might_ go away.  The card is scheduled for
replacement soon.  It's no longer supported by the latest nvidia
driver, and it has required me to mask xorg-server 1.18, which, in
turn has forced me to mask the latest stable versions of a couple
other things. That's not a big deal yet, but it's only going to get
worse.  So I've got a new nvidia card picked out.  The old one is only
8 years old, and it still works perfectly, but I guess that's
progress. Though all of the nvidia cards supported by latest drivers
have fans. :/

I've been testing the openbox/tint2 setup on my single-screen laptop
using an Xnest display with three screens.  So far, so good.

Whenever I report a bug related to multi-screen support, the excuse is
always "none of the developers have access to multi-screen systems, so
nobody can work on this".  Really?  People who are developing X11
desktop infrastructure don't know enough to type "Xnest -scrns 3
-geometry 640x480 :1"?  I think what they actually mean is "none of
the developers use multi-screen setups in their daily work, so nobody
cares about this enough to fix it." I'd have a lot more repspect for
that -- at least it's honest.


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