On 08/10/16 07:43, Grant wrote:
>>>>>> Swap usage on Linux always seems a little tricky to me.  Should my
>>>>>> goal on a web server be zero swap usage, meaning the attached graph
>>>>>> should show no green lines at all if I'm doing it right?
> ...

Have you tuned swappiness?


You can force minimal use of swap as well as turn it off.  I have tried
to go swap-less a few times and have come to the conclusion you are
trading occasional slow downs for the certainty of a crash and burn when
you hit an unexpected memory requirement.  I have swap (2xram - mostly
for hibernation), but tune it as above.

rattus ~ # free
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache
Mem:        4041520     1605108      147588       19500     2288824
Swap:       4194300         356     4193944
rattus ~ #


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