Am 17.12.2016 um 14:17 schrieb Neil Bothwick:

> I'm running the Debian 7 version of Raspbian on a number of Pis, all
> without systemd. Yes, I am happy using systemd, but I can't be arsed
> changing them when they continue to work perfectly well.

Then explain me how this is done. Btw., Debian's and Raspbian's software
repositories are somewhat outdated. But that's a different Debian
related subject.

> Boot from a live CD, like Ubuntu, and read the journals. There's always
> a solution that doesn't involve flaming.

Why would I boot from a Live CD if I have a PC with an installed OS
particularly just to be able to read some simple log files?

So, no that's not a reasonable solution.

And that doesn't have anything to do with flaming. But that's typical
for those Poettering fanboys, too, since the beginning. They ask for
"technical" arguments. If "technical" arguments are given to them, then
those arguments suddenly are no technical arguments. Then this is
flaming. And Poettering and his fanboys just insult their critics, even
in the official "technical" systemd documentation.

I see, nothing has changed so far.

> When I first tried systemd, I wasn't confident of my ability to work
> with the journal, so I installed syslog-ng and had traditional log files
> alongside the journal. In fact I ran it like that for quite some because
> the log monitor I was using didn't work with the journal.

Yes, that's the solution. Install an old very well tested and useful
system logger which does the job perfectly on its own alongside of a
crappy system logger just to be able to read the binary log files again
with simple system tools which come along with EVERY distro like cat,
less, grep etc. And running two programs which have the same purpose in
the background don't need more system resources then just running one of
them, particularly on hardware like the Pi?

Did you and the other Poettering fanboys think about this logic? I guess

> I don't use Firefox or semi-professional audio hardware, so I won't
> comment on this.

But that's the original subject of this thread. And PulseAudio is one of
Poettering's crap.

> With Debian, and Raspbian, just use version 7. It's Debian so it will be
> supported for years to come. Or you could run Gentoo on your Pi.

How do I compile Gentoo on the Pi? Even compiling it with distcc on
another computer would be a lot more power consuming. What's one of the
benefits of the Pi? Power-saving?

> They're not. You are assuming you have to use it because you don't see an
> alternative.

I know a lot of good alternatives to systemd. But I don't see a way to
get rid of systemd in favor of the good alternatives in the distros I

>> So tell me how I
>> get a full refund for systemd and how to switch to something usable.
> I've answered the latter, your refund is attached :)

No, you didn't. But I guess you can't. Same again. The Poettering
fanboys deny that they are forcing their crap onto the users but can't
or don't want to say how to get rid of this crap and how to convert
their systems to something that is working well.

The solution can't be to just install a totally outdated version of a
distro from times before they started forcing systemd onto their users.
This has to be possible with recent versions, too.

So tell me, how to get rid of systemd on Arch Linux, Debian, Raspbian,
XBian, Ubuntu, Fedora etc. in their most recent releases.

Where do I get this Debian or Raspbian 7? I guess the software for those
outdated distro versions are even more outdated than the software for
the latest releases.

> I never said it was easy.

Should be easy.

Heiko Baums

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