On Saturday 17 December 2016 19:20:03 Heiko Baums wrote:
> Am 17.12.2016 um 15:58 schrieb Rich Freeman:
> > If you don't think the guides on how to install Gentoo on a Pi are
> > good enough, then play around with it until you figure it out, and
> > then post an article on the Wiki.
> Didn't you read my e-mail? I don't want to have Gentoo on my Pi, because
> this would destroy the advantage of the Pi, its low power consumption.
> Well, maybe I will install Gentoo on the Pi once, just for fun, but
> that's not the question here.

Looks like somebody hasn't heard of cross-compiling!  Perhaps check out sys-
devel/crossdev and/or ask on the gentoo-embedded mailing list.  In fact, in 
this particular case I *will* provide you with a link:


> I didn't ask for a howto for installing Gentoo on a Pi, I asked for a
> howto for getting rid of systemd on recent versions of Arch Linux,
> Debian, Raspbian, Ubuntu, Fedora etc. You said it's possible and I'm not
> forced to use systemd, so I guess you know how and can explain it to me.

Aha, so it's not enough that there are distros *right now* that let you avoid 
systemd (e.g., Gentoo, Funtoo, Devuan, Knoppix), it has to be one of *those 
particular* distros.


Viele Grüße
Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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