On Wed, 8 Feb 2017 17:28:44 -0500, Walter Dnes wrote:

> > If you used the -x switch with rsync, the contents of sys, dev and
> > proc won't be copied n the first place, nor will the contents of any
> > other mounted filesystems.
> > 
> > That's if you rsynced from a running VM. If you used qemu-ndb to mount
> > the VM image without starting the VM they would have been empty to
> > start with.  
>   I use "--no-devices --no-specials".  From my reading of the rsync man
> page, it should work.  It seems to work fine during a regular rsync.
> But last night when I did the first backup of my "new and improved"
> setup, it was starting to back up /home/misc/centos65/proc/kcore.  My
> USB backup drive does not have space for a 140,737,477,881,856 byte
> file. Ouch!  I think the problem is that /home/misc/centos65/proc/ and
> /home/misc/centos65/dev/ are real physical directories, with the
> contents of the real /proc and /dev bind-mounted on top of them.  They
> end up getting treated as real directories because they are real
> directories.  I explicitly blocked them in rsync's list and things are
> now OK.

It shouldn't matter that they are bind-mounted. The -x switch excludes
anything on a different filesystem.

Neil Bothwick

Reboot America.

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