Am Sat, 18 Feb 2017 22:05:01 -0500
schrieb "Walter Dnes" <>:

> On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 04:57:52PM -0500, Harry Putnam wrote
> > Any advice about slick ways of getting fully updated but dumping kde
> > on the way.  
>   *IMPORTANT* KDE is obscene about dependancies.  E.g. when a
> lightweight pdf-reader was phased out, I looked at various options
> including okular.  It's an "itty-bitty-little-applet"... that seems to
> pull in 90% of KDE as dependancies.  If you want to get rid of KDE,
> you must be prepared to dump every last little KDE app/applet.  It's
> an all-or-nothing situation.  Sorry.
> 1) "eselect profile list" and switch to a basic non-KDE profile of
> your choice.
> 2) "emerge gentoolkit" if not already present.
> 3) "cat /var/lib/portage/world" and see what KDE stuff you have.
> 4) Unmerge (i.e. "emerge --unmerge) obvious KDE-related stuff that you
> find in world.
> 5) "emerge --depclean" (May not help if you've done "emerge --sync"
> and not fully updated).
>    The next 3 steps are going to be repeated several times
> 6) "emerge -pv --changed-use --deep --update @world"
> 7) You'll probably see portage try to pull KDE back in.  For each lib
> "fu-bar/foobar" that portage tries to pull in do "equery d
> fu-bar/foobar" and manually unmerge whatever it finds.  (Note:
> gentoolkit provides the equery tool).
> 8) GOTO 6 (until portage stops trying to pull in KDE stuff).

You could also try to stop portage from even syncing the KDE components
into the tree. I usually do this for small systems to not give portage
any chance of pulling in unwanted components. As a plus, syncing and
dep calculation should be faster.


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