Miroslav Rovis <miro.ro...@croatiafidelis.hr> writes:

> On 170225-09:19-0500, Harry Putnam wrote:
>> Setup: VBox vm running gentoo(amd64) guest on a win-10 (64bit) host
>>  Hardware: HP xw8600 - 2x Xeon  CPU X5450 @ 3.00GHz - 32 GB ram
>  [ some cca. 80k text cut here ]
> Go for the guides, in which you will find that sending 5.5M log in an
> email is plain wrong.

Pretty dim not to have thought of that... thanks.

So do you recommend posting something like that online?  I wasn't
kidding when I said I could not determine what the log might mean,

Do you think there is really any chance a prospective helpful reader
will follow a hyperlink to these massive logs and actually try to see
what is going on?

I've decided to first work out a regex that will allow me to clean the
darn things up... get all those escape sequences out and then post
them on my web pages.

> Read e.g. how to post bugs on Bugzilla. shouldn't be hard to find.

Now, I've often wondered about the question of when to go to the bug

At my very low skill level chances are good that my problem is
actually some kind of pilot error. So, I think it makes sense to first
try to determine if there is really a bug at all.

Those folks that work on bugs can't be very tickled to get piles of
data that is really about some simple minded pilot error.

Seems to me, something should go thru the list a bit first before
hitting the bug setup... No? Many folks here will know a bug when they
see it, I'm not one of them.

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