Hi guys,

Maybe I am too stupid, but how can you emerge emacs-25 with xwidgets?

Running `equey use emacs' shows:
~ $ equery u emacs
[ Legend : U - final flag setting for installation]
[        : I - package is installed with flag     ]
[ Colors : set, unset                             ]
 * Found these USE flags for app-editors/emacs-25.2_rc2:
 U I
 + + X                   : Add support for X11
 - - Xaw3d               : Add support for the 3d athena widget set
 + + acl                 : Add support for Access Control Lists
 + + alsa                : Add support for media-libs/alsa-lib (Advanced Linux 
Sound Architecture)
 - - athena              : Enable the MIT Athena widget set (x11-libs/libXaw)
 + + dbus                : Enable dbus support for anything that needs it 
(gpsd, gnomemeeting, etc)
 - - dynamic-loading     : Enable loading of dynamic libraries at runtime
 - - games               : Support shared score files for games
 - - gconf               : Use gnome-base/gconf to read the system font name
 - - gfile               : Use gfile (dev-libs/glib) for file notification
 + + gif                 : Add GIF image support
 + + gpm                 : Add support for sys-libs/gpm (Console-based mouse 
 - - gsettings           : Use gsettings (dev-libs/glib) to read the system 
font name
 - - gtk                 : Add support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
 + + gtk3                : Prefer version 3 of the GIMP Toolkit to version 2 
 - - gzip-el             : Compress bundled Emacs Lisp source
 - - hesiod              : Enable support for net-dns/hesiod
 + + imagemagick         : Use media-gfx/imagemagick for image processing
 + + inotify             : Enable inotify filesystem monitoring support
 + + jpeg                : Add JPEG image support
 - - kerberos            : Add kerberos support
 + + libxml2             : Use dev-libs/libxml2 to parse XML instead of the 
internal Lisp implementations
 - - livecd              : !!internal use only!! DO NOT SET THIS FLAG 
YOURSELF!, used during livecd building
 - - m17n-lib            : Enable m17n-lib support
 - - motif               : Add support for the Motif toolkit
 - - pax_kernel          : Enable building under a PaX enabled kernel
 + + png                 : Add support for libpng (PNG images)
 - - sound               : Enable sound support
 - - source              : Install C source files and make them available for 
 + + ssl                 : Add support for Secure Socket Layer connections
 + + svg                 : Add support for SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
 + + tiff                : Add support for the TIFF image format
 - - toolkit-scroll-bars : Use the selected toolkit's scrollbars in preference 
to Emacs' own scrollbars
 - - wide-int            : Prefer wide Emacs integers (typically 62-bit). This 
option has an effect only on architectures where "long" and "long long" types 
have different size.
 + + xft                 : Build with support for XFT font renderer 
 + + xpm                 : Add support for XPM graphics format
 + + zlib                : Add support for zlib (de)compression

Where is the xwidgets USE flag?

I can see it by running `eix -e emacs' but setting that flag does not

`USE=xwidgets emerge -a emacs' does not work.

Any idea? Thanks in advance for any clue.


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