On Thu, 20 Apr 2017 18:09:48 +0200, Raffaele Belardi wrote:

> Calculating dependencies... done!
> [ebuild  N     ] app-editors/emacs-25.2_rc2:25::gentoo  USE="X alsa
> dbus gif gpm gtk gtk3 inotify jpeg png ssl svg tiff xpm zlib -Xaw3d
> -acl (-aqua) -athena (-cairo) -dynamic-loading -games -gconf -gfile
> -gsettings -gzip-el -hesiod -imagemagick -kerberos -libxml2 -livecd
> -m17n-lib -motif -pax_kernel (-selinux) -sound -source
> -toolkit-scroll-bars -wide-int -xft (-xwidgets)" 0 KiB
> The parentheses indicate that the flag is 'forced, masked, or
> removed' (from man emerge) so it is ignored on purpose. I have no idea
> why.

It is masked in the profile

% grep -r xwidgets /var/portage/profiles
/var/portage/profiles/base/package.use.mask:app-editors/emacs:25 xwidgets

Neil Bothwick

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