Hello, Gentoo.

On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 11:56:35 +0000, Alan Mackenzie wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 20:16:37 +0000, J. Roeleveld wrote:

> > Have you tried connecting using ssh after boot?
> > Also, do you have the EFI console support in your kernel?

> I didn't, but do now.

> More to the point, I'd forgotten to compile the pertinent Radeon
> microcode into my kernel, so it's not surprising I saw nothing on my
> screen.  What an idiot!

> Now I see 16 penguins on my screen, followed by some messages, followed
> by a kernel panic, since it can't find the root partition.  It's a long
> time since I've been so happy to see a kernel panic.  ;-)

> So thank you to everybody who somehow churned up my thinking enough to
> get me over this point.

I've now managed to boot natively into my new HW.  The final thing to be
fixed was setting the types of two partitions on each of two SSDs to the
64-bit equivalent of gdisk's FD00 (Linux RAID).  This allowed the kernel
to assemble these two pairs as mdadm arrays, one of them being the root

So thanks to all who helped!

> [ .... ]

> > --
> > Joost
> > -- 

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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