On 10/05/2017 11:09, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> "Can not" should be "cannot" (different meaning).
> I did say this is all off-topic. Apologies to anyone who feels aggrieved. I 
> could have suggested several other improvements as well, so I could say I've 
> let you off lightly.  ;-)

I you read -dev, you could have replied to the original with a correct
fix :-)

The author isn't English mother-tongue btw [1]

> (By way of explanation, 35 years ago I was made the documentation manager of 
> a 200-man-year software project. Ever since then I've been unable to read 
> anything at all without the eye of an editor - it's ruined my enjoyment of 
> everything I read. There's no hope any longer.)

Oh noes. So you can't enjoy Pratchett? poor, poor you <shudder> :-)

[1] Living in a country with 11 (yes, eleven!) official languages, all
considered legally valid for purposes of government with equal status, I
had to let go of English bias and accept that languages get mangled. All
the time.

Except for this new meaning for "revert". can't bring myself to accept
that one, too much like gouging out eyeballs with a blunt spoon.

Alan McKinnon

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