On Wednesday 10 May 2017 23:33:37 Alan McKinnon wrote:

> I you read -dev, you could have replied to the original with a correct
> fix :-)

No good. I can't read C. I gave up in the '80s and reverted to assembler.

> The author isn't English mother-tongue btw [1]

Maybe not, but he's only following what the typical American is doing.

> > (By way of explanation, 35 years ago I was made the documentation
> > manager of a 200-man-year software project. Ever since then I've been
> > unable to read anything at all without the eye of an editor - it's
> > ruined my enjoyment of everything I read. There's no hope any longer.)
> Oh noes. So you can't enjoy Pratchett? poor, poor you <shudder> :-)


> [1] Living in a country with 11 (yes, eleven!) official languages, all
> considered legally valid for purposes of government with equal status, I
> had to let go of English bias and accept that languages get mangled. All
> the time.

I sympathise. I couldn't live in a place like that.

> Except for this new meaning for "revert". can't bring myself to accept
> that one, too much like gouging out eyeballs with a blunt spoon.

Eh? What meaning is that? I seem to have missed it.


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