On Sun, 14 May 2017 02:05:58 +0100, lee wrote:

> > It will only remove things that it deems not needed. Usually these are
> > packages that have just been upgraded.  
> Yes, the sources wouldn't be needed if I had upgraded the kernel.  Still
> one might expect it to figure out which kernel is in use and to not try
> to delete it --- that would make some sense.

This is Gentoo, you have to make most of the decisions yourself. You
don't necessarily need the sources for the running kernel.

> > For kernel sources, tell portage to not remove it:
> >
> > `emerge --noreplace sys-kernel/gentoo-sources:4.4.52`
> >
> > as an example.
> >
> > If you do that, --depclean will not remove the sources for 4.4.52 (as
> > an example.)  
> Thanks, I couldn't find an option like this.

It's in the emerge man page.

Alternatively, you can create a set that ensures no kernel sources are
ever depcleaned. Add this to /etc/portage/sets.conf

class = portage.sets.dbapi.OwnerSet
world-candidate = False
files = /usr/src

and add the kernels set to world with this

emerge -n @kernels

Now any kernel sources you install will not be removed until you
specifically instruct portage to do so.

> It worked --- now some time when I do upgrade the kernel, I somehow need
> to remove these sources from the world list, I guess ...

They will be removed when you manually unmerge the kernel

emerge -Ca \=sys-kernel/gentoo-sources:4.4.52

Neil Bothwick

The sergeant walked into the shower and caught me giving myself a
dishonorable discharge. Without missing a beat, I said, "It's my dick
and I can wash it as fast as I want!"

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