I'm trying to install Gentoo in my notebook, but kernel, during the boot,
do not find the root partition.

I'm using UEFI boot, I've tried Genkernel, I've checked XFS's support in
kernel's menuconfig and re-cheked GRUB config files, but is a pain, do not

I've installed Funtoo with Debian Kernel first, but Funtoo KDE's ebuild was
pointing to a invalid URL and I've switched to Gentoo and now I'm suffering
this problem to boot.

Have anyone some information, about this Kernel's boot didn't finding root
partition? Is better configure kernel without Genkernel? I need to pass
some commands to Kernel via GRUB?

PS.: Appear to be very simple configure UEFI, because I'm using Refind and
it was working with Funtoo, and I realized this problem is with gentoo
kernel's config, but I do not know where I need to config.

Any suggestions?


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