On Tue, 15 Aug 2017 18:46:59 -0400,
John Blinka wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 6:04 PM, Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> First, I appreciate your thoughts and comments.
> >
> > I suspect your sources have gotten messed up in some way.  I've run
> > into issues like this when I do something like build a kernel with an
> > odd umask so that the portage user can't read the files it needs to
> > build a module.  Your chmod should have fixed that but there could be
> > something else going on.  It might just be that you didn't prepare the
> > sources?
> Same thought occurred to me, hence the chmod.  Not sure what "prepare
> the sources" is all about; not a step I've ever used with kernels.
> But see below.
> >
> > I actually do all my kernel builds in a tmpfs under /var/tmp these
> > days which keeps my /usr/src/linux pristine.  (make O=/var/tmp/linux
> > modules_install and so on)  It does involve more building during
> > upgrades but I know everything is clean, and I prefer no-issues to
> > faster-builds.
> I have the same preference.  Will have to take a look at following
> your example..
> >
> > In theory that isn't essential, but I would definitely just wipe out
> > /usr/src/linux and unpack clean kernel sources.  If you're using the
> > gentoo-sources package you can just rm -rf the symlink and the actual
> > tree, and just re-emerge the package and it will set up both.  If
> > you're using git then I'd probably wipe it and re-pull as I'm not sure
> > if a clean/reset will actually take care of all the permissions.
> >
> > Then you need to run at least make oldconfig and make modules_prepare
> > before you can build a module against it.  Doing a full kernel build
> > is also fine.
> I think I've done that (multiple times over the past 8 months).  When
> a new kernel shows up as stable in the tree, I do (as root)
> emerge -DuNv gentoo-sources
> set up symlink
> cd into usr/src/linux
> zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
> make olddefconfig
> make menu_config (as a sanity check)
> make
> make modules_install
> make install
> I don't know what could have messed up the kernel tree other than
> whatever magic happens behind the scenes in the various make commands.
> Just now tried a make modules_prepare followed by an emerge -1 spl.  Same 
> error.
> Started again from scratch.  Moved the kernel tree I've been working
> with (building kernel, modules, etc.) aside, then re-emerged
> gentoo-sources.  Kernel tree should be pristine now, right?  Then
> copied the config from my running kernel (same version 4.12.5) into
> /usr/src/linux.  Then did a make modules_prepare.  Finally did an
> emerge -1 spl.  Same error as always.  So, as attractive as the idea
> of a messed up kernel tree is to me, I don't think that's the source
> of the problem.
> I think it would be informative if I could somehow see exactly what
> commands are being run when the error occurs.  Is there a way of doing
> that?

What is your umask?   I had troubles like this when I had too
aggressive umask of I think 027 rather than 022.

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici

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