On 11.09.2017 21:04, Mick wrote:
> On Monday, 11 September 2017 19:27:02 BST Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku wrote:
>> I had a similar (if not identical problem).  This solution is a
>> "difficult" solution, the reason I experienced this (if I understand)
>> was that I was running KDE at the same time I was updating KDE.  
> No the user started a Plasma session after booting up the PC and while no 
> updates were being performed.
>> I can't
>> remember if I simply rebooted, or if all it took was logging out, and
>> logging back in.  Even if I had rebooted, the *most* that should be
>> required is restarting X, which if you are running XDM may require
>> restarting XDM, or as stated, simply logging out and logging back in
>> (but that might not be possible from KDE running in this broken mode).
>> It should happen relatively infrequently.
> I can login and restart xdm, but I fear the user may lose some the work being 
> performed at the time.  I may end up doing this, but not if there is a way to 
> recover the session.  Strangely, I can't see any relevant screenlock process 
> I 
> could stop from the console.  :-(

Try this:

# Get Session-ID
sesid=$(ck-list-sessions | egrep "(Session[0-9]:|x11-display = ':0')" |
grep -B 2 "x11-display = ':0'" | grep "Session" | cut -d":" -f1)

# Unlock
sudo dbus-send --system --print-reply
--dest="org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit" /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/${sesid}

Dan Johansson
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