I prefer vi-style editing for my bash prompt - that is to say I press the 
escape key, and "b" two or three times and the cursor moves back 2 or 3 words. 
I can press "escape" followed by shift-I to take the cursor back to the very 
start of the line, and "v" allows me to edit the command line in vi itself.

I enable this in my .bashrc with "set -o vi".

I find I can set it for all Readline-based programs by putting "set 
editing-mode vi" in ~/.inputrc.

Is it possible to set this for all users, please, so that this edit mode is 
used for root?

I find that my pager and editor are set in /etc/env.d/99pager and 
/etc/env.d/99editor respectively, but creating a /etc/env.d/99bashlineediting 
file containing "set -o vi" doesn't seem to work.

Any thoughts, please?


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