> On 19 Sep 2017, at 01:30, Simon Thelen <gentoo-u...@c-14.de> wrote:
>> Is it possible to set this for all users, please, so that this edit
>> mode is used for root?
> Readline is customized by putting commands in an initialization file
> (the inputrc file). The name of this file is taken from the value of the
> INPUTRC environment variable.  If that variable is unset, the default is
> ~/.inputrc. If that file  does not exist or cannot be read, the ultimate
> default is /etc/inputrc.
>> I find that my pager and editor are set in /etc/env.d/99pager and
>> /etc/env.d/99editor respectively, but creating a
>> /etc/env.d/99bashlineediting file containing "set -o vi" doesn't seem
>> to work.
> Either "set-editing-mode vi" in /etc/inputrc for all readline programs
> or in /etc/bash/bashrc (for bash-only)

I looked at /etc/inputrc, and its existing contents are of a different format.

Where all the other lines are of the form:
  "\eOH": beginning-of-line
  "\eOF": end-of-line
it felt a bit wrong to be adding "set-editing-mode vi". Hence me asking here. 
Is it foolish of me to think this?


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