> On 19 Sep 2017, at 01:25, Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov <gen...@mva.name> wrote:
>> I find that my pager and editor are set in /etc/env.d/99pager and
>> /etc/env.d/99editor respectively, but creating a
>> /etc/env.d/99bashlineediting file containing "set -o vi" doesn't seem to
>> work.
> 1) env-update
> env.d is just the place where all the packages places their crap so 
> env-update 
> can take care of it and rebuild all the things properly (so, no need to allow 
> to edit system config directly (and accidentally brake them)

Sorry, I don't understand.

> 2) what you want is a bad idea.
> I bet portage (which internally uses bash a lot) won't be happy with that

A setting for interactive bash use should not affect non-interactive bash 
scripts. If it does, I'd think it a bug.


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