On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 5:32 PM, gevisz <gev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2018-02-09 0:19 GMT+02:00 Nikos Chantziaras <rea...@gmail.com>:
>> On 08/02/18 23:31, gevisz wrote:
>>> I do not use ccache, and in my /var/tmp I only have /var/tmp/portage
>>> and /var/tmp/genkernel (I use genkernel to generate initramfs image).
>>> I never use emerge and genkernel at the same time. So, why not to put
>>> the whole /var/tmp into one tmpfs?
>> Well, someone here posted that /var/tmp is supposed to persist between
>> reboots.
> In this case it would be nice to hear a reason.
> That's why I have asked if it does not harm.

Countless linux systems are configured to not preserve it between
reboots, FHS notwithstanding.  That said, whether you preserve it
would probably make the difference between whether sticking ccache in
there is a good idea or not.

Personally I don't preserve it, because lots of stuff that has no need
to persist ends up in /var/tmp.  I put stuff that should stick around
someplace else with a suitably liberal tmpreaper policy.


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