Am Thu, 08 Feb 2018 16:42:23 -0700 schrieb Grant Taylor:

> On 02/08/2018 03:32 PM, gevisz wrote:
>> In this case it would be nice to hear a reason.
> I think the reason probably goes back a number of years.  When /tmp was
> made volatile (ram / swap backed) there was a need for non-volatile temp
> space.  Thus, /var/tmp was created as non-volatile specifically for the
> purpose to of surviving across reboots.  (At least that's my
> understanding.)

I don't think this is the reason. Both directories have been there since 
ages, long before someone even considered putting that into ram disks. 
Historically, there would even be /usr/tmp.

The point here is that /var is "variable" data in contrast to "read-only" 
data on the other partitions. This makes /var a candidate for persistent 
OS-state. You could simply keep / and /usr on volatile storage (or even 
read-only storage) and all your variable, non-volatile data would be in

Having /tmp on tmpfs is then a logical consequence of this because / 
could be read-only. Also, /etc should be symlinked to /var/etc to enable 
and keep configuration changes over reboots, although this could also be 
populated by a boot-strapping process (e.g., IP configuration).

This is especially interesting for container-based, dynamic cloud servers 
which would spawn and disappear on demand, you just need to keep the non-
volatile state directory /var. Usually, such systems start with an empty
/etc directory which is populated by a boot-strapping process.

Following that idea, /var/tmp should also be non-volatile.

Bringing this idea further forward, everything related to the OS-image 
should move to /usr (catchword "usrmerge"), and then / which contains
/var and /etc could be writeable and non-volatile, /usr would contain
boot-strapping configuration and be read-only, /etc would be populated on 
first boot. The idea of /tmp on tmpfs is just kept here.

The idea of having everything boot-related in / doesn't apply since years 
(and wasn't the original idea anyways). These days, initramfs takes this 
role and /usr takes the role of /, and /home already took the role of /usr 
(that's why it's called /usr, it was user data in early unix). The 
splitting we have today is a result of size-constraints of early systems 
when the OS no longer fit one disk, when / became the early boot-
environment (initramfs today). Today, the OS uses dynamic linking when 
most of it was statically linked in the early day, and thus there are 
dependencies between / and /usr that cannot be untangled easily, and 
renders the split for early boot-environments difficult to maintain. So 
everything might easily move to /usr and / can become a non-volatile 
state partition containing /var and /etc. And early boot lives in 
initramfs (to setup /usr mount).

>> That's why I have asked if it does not harm.
> I don't think it will actually harm the Operating System.  Some daemons
> may get cross if files they know that they created no longer exist after
> a reboot.
> Though things should gracefully handle the absence of such files and
> re-create them.
> The biggest Ah Ha moment I ever saw someone have was when they spent
> more than an hour getting a Solaris patch cluster to the machine,
> extracted it to /tmp, rebooted into single user mode, and went where the
> $&#* is the patch cluster?  That's when someone more experienced asked
> them where they put it and got to educate them on the error of their
> ways.
> I doubt that having /var/tmp be volatile will actually break things.

Usually not but it might be interesting to have it non-volatile in the 
scenario I described above: Something which survives the complete machine 
being discarded (except it's state) and then later boot-strapped again on 

> But it will likely cause unexpected behavior.  IMHO the biggest unknown
> is if you will be caught by or adversely effected by said unknown.
> Seeing as how we're talking Linux, Gentoo in specific, you are likely
> power users and configure your systems the way that /you/ want them to
> be.  So, by all means, do what you want.
> I just want to give you some data so that you can make an informed
> decision.

It's all a question of where you want to go. And having at least a 
minimum set of guarantees is important here. Otherwise no one is able to 
setup a system the way they want. Because if semantics change later you 
will upset one or another person.

One example of this is having /usr split and / as early boot-environment: 
It never gave that guarantee due to dynamic linking (it could not) which 
led to inventions like initramfs.


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