On 02/18/2018 05:50 PM, John Blinka wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 10:40 AM allan gottlieb <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 18 2018, Mick wrote:
>>> On Sunday, 18 February 2018 01:09:36 GMT allan gottlieb wrote:
>>     Specifically excluding the buggy (old) version of webkit-gtk,
>>     portage wants me to merge a newish (testing) version of gnucash that
>>     uses a solid new version of webkit-gtk.  I have the new version of
>>     webkit-gtk, but really want to delay installing the testing gnucash.
> Looks like gnucash-2.7.4-r1 is now in the stable branch of portage despite
> gnucash declaring “This release is UNSTABLE and SHOULD NOT BE USED in
> production” (their caps, not mine).  I’ve masked it and reverted to
> icu58.2-r1 by masking icu-60.2.  The older icu allows
> webkit-gtk-2.4.11-r200 to build, and gives me a version of gnucash which
> I’ve used for a long time and trust.  Not going to upgrade irreversibly to
> a version which the authors themselves don’t trust.  My 2 cents.
> John

It is a good point. Why Gentoo developers marked or allow to mark
gnucash-2.7 branch stable in portage when the developers
https://www.gnucash.org/download.phtml did not mark it STABLE

It seems to me one of Gentoo developer is trying to use us a guinea pigs
and the UNSTABLE "gnucash-2.7" on us.


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