On Oct 17, 2005, at 2:18 pm, Hans-Werner Hilse wrote:


I read that as "your friend can download it for non-commercial use &
then distribute it to you for free under the GPL for you to use for
commercial purposes".

I don't agree. In my opinion the legal status of this document is that
it carries two licences but no option to freely chose between them if
you're using it commercially...

I meant to say in my last post - this is, in this instance, a pretty academic argument.

The licensing cost for DansGuardian is pennies (less than £0.50 on 100 machines, for big ISPs less than £0.15) per machine. The cost of getting a lawyer to interpret our arguments would surely exceed this, and the money would be far better spent supporting the author of this open-source software.

But I like academic arguments.  :D


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