On 2018-03-31 08:18, Martin Vaeth wrote:

> As usual, there is the balance
>   "convenience" (old plugins) <-> "security".
> In the beginning (say, until firefox-52 is no longer supported
> upstream), there is a certain choice. But after that staying on the
> "convenience" side is not sane anymore.

There are probably few people more familiar with this tradeoff than
myself :P.  But the browser case is a bit different, because the
"convenience" features (in my case, at least) themselves have to do with
security.  Using the latest official Mozilla browser means trusting
their built-in defenses are as good as my current plugin based ones.
And I have doubts about that.

This is a tangent from the thread topic, but there is another
inconvenience of modern FF that keeps me from re-adopting it: font
rendering.  You will pry my beautiful thin DejaVu Sans from my dead
body, and give my dead body blurry webfonts in return.

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