On 6/5/19 9:18 PM, Dale wrote:
I would start by removing anything that has libs in it. Generally, those should be pulled in as deps. After that, I'd go through the list and remove anything that you don't directly use.


Can I just edit /var/lib/portage/world?  Or do I need to do something else?

Ah, it just hit me.

root@fireball / # regenworld -h
This script regenerates the portage world file by checking the portage logfile for all actions that you've done in the past. It ignores any arguments except --help. It is recommended that you make a backup of your existing world file (/var/lib/portage/world) before using this tool.
root@fireball / #

I'll check that out.

I might add, I put the option -1 in my make.conf for emerge defaults so that anytime I emerge something, it doesn't get added to the world file. If I want to add something to the world file, I use --select y to override the -1 in make.conf. It's so easy to forget to add -1 and make a mess of the world file, I decided to set it so I don't have to remember. You may want to consider this.

I'll consider that.

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