On Thursday, 6 June 2019 05:56:53 BST Dale wrote:
> Grant Taylor wrote:
> > On 6/5/19 9:18 PM, Dale wrote:
> >> I would start by removing anything that has libs in it.  Generally,
> >> those should be pulled in as deps.  After that, I'd go through the
> >> list and remove anything that you don't directly use.
> > 
> > ACK
> > 
> > Can I just edit /var/lib/portage/world?  Or do I need to do something
> > else?

Yes, manually edit this file, but FIRST MAKE A BACK UP.  :-)

> It's a plain text file and I've edited it in the past with no problems. 
> I've done that cleanup before and it can take some time to accomplish
> depending on how bad it is.  I went through this when I first started
> using Gentoo and didn't know any better.  I'd do small chunks and keep a
> versioned back up file just in case. 
> I've also used the script once.  It does fairly well.  It may miss a
> couple here and there and may have a few false positives as well.  Still
> it can do some heavy lifting for you.  I'd copy the world file to a safe
> place and try the script.  I'd try it once with the old world file in
> place and once without a world file at all.  Then see which one works
> best.  If that fails, do it manually. 
> Good luck.  I hope one or the other works.
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

I think, but may be wrong, regenworld will pick up anything and everything in 
emerge.log and add it to your world file.  Definitely create a back up of /
var/lib/portage/world if you do not have one already, because you can diff it 
later on to see how much weight it has put on.


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