Mick wrote:
> On Thursday, 6 June 2019 05:56:53 BST Dale wrote:
>> Grant Taylor wrote:
>>> On 6/5/19 9:18 PM, Dale wrote:
>>>> I would start by removing anything that has libs in it.  Generally,
>>>> those should be pulled in as deps.  After that, I'd go through the
>>>> list and remove anything that you don't directly use.
>>> ACK
>>> Can I just edit /var/lib/portage/world?  Or do I need to do something
>>> else?
> Yes, manually edit this file, but FIRST MAKE A BACK UP.  :-)
>> It's a plain text file and I've edited it in the past with no problems. 
>> I've done that cleanup before and it can take some time to accomplish
>> depending on how bad it is.  I went through this when I first started
>> using Gentoo and didn't know any better.  I'd do small chunks and keep a
>> versioned back up file just in case. 
>> I've also used the script once.  It does fairly well.  It may miss a
>> couple here and there and may have a few false positives as well.  Still
>> it can do some heavy lifting for you.  I'd copy the world file to a safe
>> place and try the script.  I'd try it once with the old world file in
>> place and once without a world file at all.  Then see which one works
>> best.  If that fails, do it manually. 
>> Good luck.  I hope one or the other works.
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-) 
> I think, but may be wrong, regenworld will pick up anything and everything in 
> emerge.log and add it to your world file.  Definitely create a back up of /
> var/lib/portage/world if you do not have one already, because you can diff it 
> later on to see how much weight it has put on.

>From the help info, I think that is what it is saying.  However, when I
used it last time, many years ago, it would somehow figure out what is
dependencies.  From what I recall, it didn't do a bad job. 

As you say tho, backup the file before doing anything.  At least then
there is something to refer back to.  Of course, it may be a option to
just start from a empty world file and add back what is really needed
and just keep running --depclean to see what needs to be added back to
the world file. 

This is like updating a old un-maintained system.  In some cases it is
best to reinstall but in some it may not take much effort to do the
updates just in smaller steps.  Thing is, one doesn't know until one
starts the process.  It all depends on so many variables.  Plus, we
ain't the ones doing it either.  lol 


:-)  :-) 

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