On 2019.06.19 15:43, Dale wrote:

I have a video issue here.  I recently cut off DirecTV service and now
watch from my puter, all those hard drives people know me for.  As some
know, my Mom died recently so I want to make use of the living room TV
as well.  I bought a splitter that takes one input and outputs to 4. 
The outputs all have the same pic, it just splits the signal.  When I
got the first one, it didn't work.  I tried every which way but
nothing.  Lights came on etc but no signal.  I contacted the seller and
he thought the box was bad so he sent a replacement.  Well, it was no
better.  No worky. 

I then decided to test it a different way.  Even tho I don't have
DirecTV service, it should give some sort of screen so I used the
DirecTV box instead of my puter.  Finding the power plug was fun I might add.  When I used it, it worked fine.  It even worked with the VERY long cable I bought to use for the living room TV.  So, the splitter does in
fact work but not with my puter's video card. 

This brings me to three paths.  Is there something I need to change in a
config for this to work or is there some special requirement for the
puter's video card or is a special splitter needed?  Which is at fault,
the splitter not being compatible or the video card not being
compatible, either by config or just hardware?

If no answer to that, I searched but can't find a triple or quad HDMI
output card that isn't like buying gold.  Is there such a thing at a
reasonable cost?  I'm fine with used and it doesn't have to be the
greatest, I watch TV and play Kpatience.  I suspect the TV is the
largest load it sees and even that isn't much.  This is the video card
made by MSI:

VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK107 [GeForce GTX 650]

Any thoughts on this?  Different video card or different splitter or
better yet, a change in a config file? 

You don't say what are the outputs of that card? Searching shows me several possibilities, but all have more than one output connector. If that's the case, I would suggest using different outputs for your monitor and the TV. You might need an adaptor depending on whether the TV has a matching input. I think you would have to set up your DE to know about the two outputs, but then I think most video players can do things like put the controls on your monitor and the output on the TV. (I just set that up with a laptop with KDE and VLC. It wasn't trivial to get it right, but it was immediately obvious it could be done or at least come close enough to put up with.)

To your original question, I don't have any solid idea why the TV isn't receiving a signal from the splitter. I assume you are sure the TV is set to the correct input connector. Have you tried switching which splitter outputs go to each device, and try only one device connected at a time? Have you tried connecting your video card ONLY to the TV instead of the monitor. That would tell you if there is any inherent incompatability between what the card is putting out and what the TV can use. Can the TV handle the resolution the card is displaying?


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